We really like the relaxing ambiance and the decorative furniture of the restaurants and cafe when ever we visit them. Such a luxurious and fun atmosphere can also be created in your house with a intelligent selection of the seating set for your living which is the hub of you family and friends mingling. But for this you don’t have to buy the expensive furniture from the market as the restaurant owners do.
You can gain such furnishing absolutely free of cost by using the pallets which are capable enough to be recycled into the durable and stylish furnishing achievements for any section of the house. For instant help you can take a look at this DIY pallet bistro style seating furniture having a large sofa, a chair and a center piece of pallet coffee table. Pallet slat pieces have been packed together to form the bossy like seating items while the coffee table has been the result of crate recycling.
Sofa and the chair have bee n kept unfinished while the coffee table has been stained in blackish hues for a shabby chic look.

Made by: Crelia