Get ready to please your dog through the recycling of pallets as it is providing all to make your dog live well! Grab the dog house, easy to sit and sleep dog beds and even those brilliant dog feeder with pallets! This time we are providing a little innovative approach to reclaim of pallets that results beautifully in this DIY pallet dog kennel, a perfect wooden house for puppies and other small dog breeds! Artful boundaries provide distinction to this small puppy house and shingled chevron top help for a further dignified look!
After disassembling 2-3 pallets you will get enough amount of pallet slats to build this fascinating dog house easily! The construction is no-sweat and super easy even for a beginner and benefits are highly real! Painting this pretty little dog residence a little can make it look modern and sophisticated! Add a hook for dog rope fastening and also mount various dog-related symbols to display specific ownership! If you want to design a different dog house then we have these 45 best and free dog house plans that include step by step instructions, material list, and free pdf plans.

Made by Cositas Palets